Monday, June 30, 2014

Striving for Failure

Most people strive for success, for perfection, or even for the avoidance of failure itself. However, in my life, I have chosen to strive for failure.

In situations where failure is a real possibility, amazing things can happen. By failing we learn more; we learn what does not work. Ben Franklin famously said he “didn’t fail the test but found 100 ways to do it wrong.” We also learn to work harder, achieve more, improve faster, and become stronger. Risking failure can allow us to reach new levels of performance, by rising to the occasion rather than just achieving it. Lack of failure may be making you a weaker competitor in the long term; in business, in life, and everything in-between.

Put yourself in situations where you must excel, where failure is a real possibility, challenge yourself, and be ok with failure. We are only here for a very, very short time. Do not let fear of failure, or what other people think, be your endgame. Face that fear and let failure become your success.

Future you will thank you.

What are your experiences with failure, and how did you come out stronger?